El Buen Gusto II
1710 Berryessa Rd. . San Jose

El Buen Gusto II is located in a little strip mall off of Lundy and Berryessa. The place is mad clean and the service is quick and friendly. From the looks of things this place is a popular lunch time hang out cause they are adding like twice the space to it, including a marisco bar.
Today I ordered my usaual carne asada tacos, but I opted for 1 super and two regulars. The regulars came packed with thinly sliced carne asada, with beans placed on top of home made tortillas. Homemade is the way to go kiddies.The Pico De gallo was some of the best I've had in awhile, just the right mix of onions, tomatoes, and cilantro. Doesn't over power the taste of the meat and beans. The super came the same as the regular except they added melted cheese and two slices of avacodo. Mm Mm Mm. Washed all that down with a cup of Jamica and I was good to go.
Bistro had carnitas...said they were salty...Heh Heh Heh
Walt had a burrito...whats that all about.
Oh yeah, they sell pretty good pastries too...so grab a desert on your way out.

koji sushi...heh heh
i see Buen Gusto stepped up their game! got the pagers goin on...whoop whoop.
dude, i've hit up koji sushi 3 times...good stuff!
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